book summaries

The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Book Summary

The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Book Summary Get The Book About Writer Sun Tzu was a military general in China about 2500 years ago. He was a philosopher also and an author of a masterpiece book The Art of War that was writte…

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday - Book Summary

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday - Book Summary Get The Book Ryan Holiday defines Ego as: “An unhealthy belief in your importance.” This is a very deep and meaningful sentence by Ryan Holiday. The ego is the greatest hindra…

Summary of Zero To One by Peter Thiel - Book Summary

Get This Book 📚📚 You deserve it! This book has been written for investors, entrepreneurs, or founders eager to shape or invest in valued corporate sectors. While most creative startups have been focused on, various perceptions…

Man’s search for meaning by Victor Frankl - Book summary

Get This Book 📚📚 You deserve it! This book is reality-based and deals with the writer's life (Viktor Frankl) when he was living in a Nazi concentration camp and his psychotherapeutic procedure of logotherapy. Nazi German arrested …

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